Classic but true

7 years ago I posted this and remembering family today seemed appropriate.

Life and Random Thinking

I remember my grandma (Baba) teaching me manners when I was just 5 or 6. She took me to a hotel in Kindersley, Saskatchewan and bought me a cola. I think it was 5 cents. I couldn’t drink it until I said thank-you. She told me, and taught me to remember my manners, always please and thank you.

Baba was right and even for the simplest things, I remember my manners.

My parents and Grandparents taught through their actions. Family was important, and actions speak louder than words.

We never ate in front of a television, my parents taught me to try new things and do it myself. I made kites from balsa wood and newspaper. I used to play “Battleship” with my Dad and I drew 10×10 tables so we could call out the grid numbers for our “bombs”.

I hope I have done some things right teaching Classics…

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About dfolstad58

I live in the South Okanagan. BC. I enjoy reading, exercise, toastmasters. spending time with my son, my daughter, & her husband , and my patient wife. I try to respond personally to every comment on my blog, and in this way I hope to get to know my readers a little bit and and am able to thank readers for their encouragement on what they liked and suggestions on what they would like to see me try in order to improve.
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3 Responses to Classic but true

  1. Good manners are important. Sunshine has re-taught me the value in saying “thank you” for even the simplest things

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