Dear Mom & Dad, thank you so much

Today I was walking in the rain

and sharing with my son (again) about some of the many gifts I have received from my parents.

My parents gave my brother and I wonderful gifts and experiences growing up.  But there were some gifts I  received that have lasted my lifetime, and I have tried to pass some of them forward.

joy of reading

I love to read

My home always had books growing up, we went to the library at least once a week.  I read comic books, I read the Hardy Boy mysteries, I read Freddy the Pig adventures … I read and I read.

It seemed natural for me growing up for everyone in the family to quietly read, on the couch, at the table, or even laying on the grass outside.

I still love reading, and what a limitless gift it has been in my life, and in my career to have a love of reading and an ability to focus.

I love to learn

I often watched documentaries growing up with my parents. My parents gave me learning gifts many years at Christmas time, including:

  • chemistry sets
  • microscope (it was really neat and had it’s own briefcase)
  • steam engine

I love to try to do-it-myself

Both of my parents were handy. My Mom was artistic, and painted, drew, and made cards. Some of most priceless keepsakes are ones that my Mom made including a pencil drawing of my dog Tiger.

My Dad worked on do-it-yourself projects and changed his own oil and so on.

I learned quickly I didn’t have Mom’s talent but I was able to cut the grass, wash a car, change my oil,  do small art projects.

I don’t (usually) let fear of failure prevent my attempting something new

Dad did all types of projects that he taught himself. He made root beer, wine, sushi, put a cement floor in our garage, he built a garage door, he did flooring and plumbing, and much more.

I think that lesson about not being afraid to fail has been a wonderful gift.

If not for that I would never have tried so many things in my life  including:

  • run a 10K
  • learned to ride a bike
  • gone on road trips
  • taken tai chi classes
  • taken step classes
  • joined Toastmasters
  • tried all types of home projects


Thanks Mom & Dad for the many, many ways you gave and still give to my life.  The memories and the lessons aren’t forgotten, in fact I treasure them. – David


About dfolstad58

I live in the South Okanagan. BC. I enjoy reading, exercise, toastmasters. spending time with my son, my daughter, & her husband , and my patient wife. I try to respond personally to every comment on my blog, and in this way I hope to get to know my readers a little bit and and am able to thank readers for their encouragement on what they liked and suggestions on what they would like to see me try in order to improve.
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31 Responses to Dear Mom & Dad, thank you so much

  1. Jane Fritz says:

    What a lovely tribute to your parents, David. And what valuable lessons. Thanks for sharing.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. A beautiful tribute.

    Wise parents encourage confidence in their children. Thanks, David. 🌷🤗

    Liked by 3 people

  3. Lael-Heart says:

    ❤ They instilled so many good qualities that you in turn made your very own. I love hearing about this in families. I wonder what you'll pass on ? Probably lots of good stuff too!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Hi David,
    This is beautiful! Gratitude and respect to our parents is everything to me.
    It is so great that you are sharing these beautiful memories and lessons with your son!
    Blessings! ♥♥

    Liked by 2 people

  5. lghiggins says:

    Parents are our first and most important teachers! I’m sure your son has learned from you as well.!

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Such a lovely tribute. Those are such wonderful gifts. Thanks for sharing 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Wow – a lovely tribute to your parents. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Sheree says:

    A lovely tribute to your parents. I’m sure they’d have much enjoyed reading this.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Lynn says:

    What a beautiful tribute to your parents David. I think as we age, we come to value our parents and all they have gifted us so much more. How fortunate we are to have been born into families with such love & support. 💞

    Liked by 2 people

  10. chattykerry says:

    What a lovely post about your parents, David. It prompted me to think about what my parents/nana gifted me. My Dad was the epitome of a deadbeat Dad and not in my life. He did send a big box of toys to me when I was about 4 years old. I was perplexed by my mum’s lack of happiness about the gift because I was too young to understand their separation – Daddy was just working in America. One was a pink car which I loved. My anxiety caused me not to drive until I was 45 years old but then I got a Mustang Bullitt Special Edition…that pink car has a lot to answer for. Smashing photo of you both.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Wow, you’ve made me think of all the good things my mom gave me. Such a beautiful tribute to your parents😍

    Liked by 1 person

  12. What wonderful memories and terrific lessons. You are very lucky!

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Nancy Ruegg says:

    I loved this, David. You brought back delightful memories of my own parents. They had similar values and talents to your parents. I especially appreciate now how they worked together, renovating two homes during my growing up years. They helped each other too. Dad did a lot of carpentry work. Sometimes he’s ask Mom to help him puzzle out a problem. She knew next to nothing about carpentry, but as he would explain the situation, she’d ask questions, and together they’d often figure it a solution. Dad did the same thing for Mom when she sewed. Needless to say, one of the gifts they gave to my brother and me was perseverance.

    Liked by 1 person

  14. Joni says:

    What a nice tribute to your parents. I remember the chemistry sets, microscope and weekly trips to the library too.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. you are your parents legacy and a fine one at that!

    Liked by 2 people

  16. Southern Patches says:

    Reading this made me think of all the things I have learned from my mama and daddy. Things, that at the time I may have thought useless, I will never forget. What a wonderful tribute to your parents.

    Liked by 1 person

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